Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year

So, it's a New Year which means a fresh start. But why then do I not feel so great about this New Year, could it be because of how last year turned out? To be honest, 2008 was a roller coaster. On one hand I gained many friends, and kept the amazing ones. On the other I lost more than I would have liked. I had a lot of let downs, but then pulled through in places i did not expect. I think the biggest reason I feel so dreary is because it's a New Year, which means another year has passed, which also means another year of my life has drifted away. It means that I have to start my own path in life, one that does not have any particular direction yet. The only sure thing in my life is going on a mission, beyond that then what? What on earth am I, Christopher Taylor, going to do with myself, with my life. Am i gonna finally stick with Music, or get distracted with another Major. Lately I have the desire to go into comedy and acting. My mind and ambitions are all over the place and I have no idea what to do. But I do know one thing and that is I can't waste what short time I have here on this Earth, and I want to take every opportunity I can. I want to be adventurous, go anywhere I want without a moments notice, do anything, and be who I want to be. The biggest problem is I don't really know who I am. I know I'm a son of god, and I know that it is the greatest thing I can be. But when I say I don't know who I am I mean something entirely different. Before, I thought I was a tuba player and that is what I was gonna do until I died, but now I'm in choir. I think that 2009 is gonna be the year that i discover who I am and what my ambitions are. And I know that if I just stay positive everything will work out. Because "once you choose hope, anything is possible"-Christopher Reeve

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's a Long Story...

So.....I have learned several things in the past month, and some of them are as follows:

1. Girls, you can never completely trust them, otherwise they will lead you to to a dark place, steal your heart, break it right in front of you and walk away as if nothing happened.

2. Relationships are over rated and usually do not end on good terms.

3. A relationship is an excellent way to lose a good friend.

4. Girls are very very very very very indecisive.

5. I can't picture myself married.

6. My family doesn't know how to be sensitive.

7. The Gospel is the only sure thing and the best place for a foundation.

8. I know, and have, the most AMAZING friends I could wish for.

9. Girls are evil and manipulative.

10. Life is speeding by!

So yes, a very educational past month...hopefully next month will be better.
I got tagged by Aubrey to do this survey!

Eight things I am passionate about
The Gospel
Being Me

Eight words or phrases I use the most lately
"I'll have a Blue Christmas without you"
"No, I'm in choir now"
"I love this song!"
"Where's the gun..."
"Flip Elder"
"Are you kidding me Luigi"
"It's a long story."

Eight things I want to do before I die:
Serve a Mission
Travel the World
Get Married to the love of my life
Have Children
Grow old with her
Make a Difference
Invent Something
Learn To Play the Piano

Eight things I need right now
A hug
A job
A "happily ever after"
A Scholarship
A Time Turner
Presents for my family
An Earlier Birthday

Eight places I want to visit
New York
South America

Eight favorite restaurants
Tia Rosa's
Macaroni Grill
Olive Garden
Eddie Rockets
Merry Plough Boys Pub
The Crepe Place Across the River from the Eiffel Tower
The Fancy Restraunt in Zermatt......forgot it's name of course.. :(

Eight TV Shows I watch
The Office
Throw Down With Bobby Flay
Dinner Impossible
No Reservations
The Colbert Report

Eighth picture in the eighth folder:

Eight people I tag to do this same post!
Anyone who reads this, because i doubt eight people will

Friday, December 19, 2008


Hi, am Christopher William Taylor the first, and I have decided to start up a blog of well...ME!!
That's right, you can get your fill of Christopher William Taylor here and only here. I will use this to most likely communicate with friends, let people know what's up in my life, express my thoughts, and just post zaney things. So, stay tuned for furthermore information...which knowing me won't happen for a while because I like to procrastnate.